Sunday, April 18, 2010


Breakfast: Granola and natural yoghurt.
Lunch (BBQ): 1 burger in a bun with cheese, lettuce and onions, 1 regular sausage on a slice of French bread with onions and ketchup, 1 Bratwurst sausage on 2 slices of French bread with ketchup, half of a marinated pork kebab, 1 glass of 7-up.
Evening: 2 bites of banana and a handful of grapes.

It was another beautiful day; not quite as sunny but beautiful, warm and dry nonetheless. I cycled everywhere. I'm still crapping myself (not literally you understand), and my arse hurts a lot, but I'm enjoying it.

The husband unit and I ate a small breakfast at 9am. Lunch was at 2pm, and I was absolutely ravenous. I ate far too much and spent the afternoon feeling ill, bloated and regretful.

I struggle to write in-depth here about the emotional battles of ED. I don't even know if I can do it now. But I decided today, while having a late afternoon "nap" that I would use the BBQ as a learning experience. When I am very hungry, I should eat one thing and pause for ten minutes. If I find I am still hungry, I can eat a serving of something else. I do not need to leap in and grab as much as possible as fast as possible. What I did today was not emotional eating, it was habitual. I stuffed myself because I was extremely hungry, and did not listen to the signals of my body telling me that it had had enough, long before I stopped eating. As a result I felt ill and worse, regretful. Every incidence of over-eating acts like a trigger for me.

Anyway, new dawn new day and all that.


  1. Thank you for the comment. Don't worry if your body doesn't look like mine. We ALL wear our weight differently...luckily, I wear mine pretty evenly but some people put it on in more specific areas. What sucks for me though, is although i put it on evenly, it doesn't come off evenly...for example, my arms RARELY get smaller :( But that's ok. We're all working on fixing it and getting healthy. YOU'LL GET THERE! Just keep at it. -15.8lbs in just 5 weeks is tremendous! Keep it up!

  2. I came across your blog on another one I am following and I thought it would be cool to read post from someone in Ireland. I really enjoyed your blog very much and I will add it to my follow list. Have a nice day..

  3. Thanks Ashley and Debbie. I'm looking forward to watching you both shrink. :)
