Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Dinner last night was soup - horrible, horrible soup. The waiter asked me why I hadn't finished it and I said "because it's crap". He laughed. I laughed. Oh how we laughed.

I went to the doctor this morning because I have been feeling funny for a few days. It turns out I have a kidney infection! Nice. No wonder I was feeling poisoned. I have been complaining of "hip" (I now realise it was pelvic) and back pain for a while. My urine sample was chock-full of all kinds of goodies like excess protein, blood and nitrites. She's put me on a course of antibiotics for a week. Wonderful drugs; sure we'd all be dead without them.

Breakfast: 1 slice of cheese and 5 grapes (rushing).
Snack: 125g rhubarb yoghurt and a handful of strawberries.
Lunch: Chicken breast and home-made wedges (that's right, no veggies! *slaps own wrist*).
Planned dinner: Pumpkin oats with cinnamon and peanut butter.

I've had a few wobbly moments. Last night as I was on my way to meet a friend for a bowl of disgusting soup, not yet knowing that the soup would be foul, I considered going for a sneaky Burger King before seeing her. Nobody would know. I'd probably lose weight anyway. What harm? What harm? I am planning to secretly stuff myself with junk food just before meeting a friend for a meal and I ask myself, what harm? I didn't do it, although I really wanted to. Again, I considered (a) confessing to it here or (b) lying about it here by omission. Neither option seemed good. Don't get me wrong: I have nothing against the odd hamburger and fries meal. Just, you know, not in secret. And not just before your evening meal.

Then this morning, after two hours in the doctor's surgery surrounded by poorly behaved children and their incompetent parents, I went to the supermarket to pick up some fresh fruits and vegetables. Being peckish (having only had a slice of cheese and five grapes) I almost reached for a packet of low-fat Hula Hoops. Then I actually paused and looked at them in my hand. I realised that they weren't really food, and that they would neither satisfy my hunger nor nourish my body...although they might manage to rise in me in insatiable urge to eat more salty snacks. So I bought a package of strawberries and ate some of those on the walk home.

I think I need a nap now; I am not feeling so hot. We ordered a skip to throw out a bunch of old crap we have lying around. Being the sad domesticated old cat that I am, I am actually excited about that. There is nothing I would rather do right now than throw piles of rubbish into the giant metal bin in my front garden. But I'm just too tired! And I want to save a little energy for group therapy tonight, which always takes it out of me.

Thanks for reading, beanpoles!

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