Thursday, March 25, 2010

shoes blues

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 2 small slices toast, tea.
Dinner: Pasta bolognese. 40g wholewheat penne with bolognese made from lean beef, onions, garlic, grated carrot, green and red peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes and fresh herbs.
Snack: 1 tangerine, 1 Cox's apple.
Evening meal: Banana oats with 1 tsp peanut butter.
Emotions: Fairly stable, but the urge to binge has been present all day.

I had a stroll in the Phoenix Park for an hour or so in today's lovely sunshine. Despite our leisurely pace, my dogs are really barking now (for any of the non-English speakers reading...that means my feet are sore :p). The problem is my shoes. I, being a fancy rich westerner, have three pairs of runners - my Sketchers, which I wear day to day with jeans, my pair of Clarkes women's sporties and then my actual running shoes, which are made by Asics. They're all fine for about ten minutes, and then become terribly uncomfortable in various ways. I purchased them over the course of a year one after another in the hope of finding a really comfy pair. The husband unit swears by New Balance, so he ordered me a pair in my size from Ebay for a knock-down price tonight, wahoo! Hopefully that will be the end of my shoe-misery.

I'm renewing my membership to the gym tomorrow. Soon I will have the joy of enthusiastically wobbling, red-faced and panting, next to partially naked lycra-clad Adonis-style athletes, completing half as much as they do in three times the time! Ah to be honest I don't really care about that. I do enjoy the gym, when I can drag myself off the couch to get there. I'm a bit of a grumbling old bag at the gym though: I like to listen to my own very specific playlist and hate when the gym radio is playing too loudly. I also hate bad gym manners: wipe your sweat off the machines you stinky gits!

1 comment:

  1. I confess I have not brought my towel with me to the gym sometimes, and so fall into your 'stinky git' category!

    Good job on the eating front. Mine went downhill from (no) breakfast. New start tomorrow. Like you said, one may need to congratulate oneself for even the smallest victories...

    Re: blog-writing, I wrote about 5 blog entries to distract me from thesis-writing, and then lost the motivation once I had free time. Same with songwriting. Sigh. Maybe I should start a phD to really get creative juices flowing.

    Thanks for sharing.
