Friday, March 19, 2010

having done the research

Hello waifs.

Our survey says: you're very fat. And by you I mean me. And by me I mean, well, me. And if I don't get stoned to death by the anti-fat brigade one of these days, I'll end up dead from heart disease.

For that reason, and for many other reasons, I really, really don't want to be fat anymore. But even more than not wanting to be the blimpy Christian, I don't want to be obsessed with food anymore.

I don't know how this is going to work's always failed before. But here I am: fat and naked before you like a pervert's dream. Well, not naked. Fully clothed in fact, and with a blanket and extra socks (it's cold). But emotionally naked. This blog is anonymous but this week I sent an email to my close friends to reveal to them my obsessive overeating and to (gasp) tell them my weight, which was 263lbs at last count.

If you could get money from the government just for being fat I'd be moderately rich, depending on how much you'd get per pound. Sadly however in this tyrannical society in which we live, this is not the case. But nothing can stop me from dreaming big (except cheeseburgers). And by big I mean small. And by small I mean...ah you get it.

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